24 ft Launch - Fisherman
A versatile half-canopy launch, offering many internal layout options. She is especially suited for employment as a personnel launch or commercial fisherman/crabber; or maybe just a family launch. There’s room for a cuddy forward, or a small wheelhouse will fit nicely aft of amidships.The design follows classic ‘Chesapeake deadrise’ principles, but with added stability provided by the deeper sections aft. The fine entry assures that she’ll ride comfortably and dry in a choppy seaway, and gently flaring bow and quarter sections provide ample reserve buoyancy and load carrying capability. A 2 cylinder diesel engine (15-20hp) will push her merrily along at her 6-knot hullspeed.Traditional single-chine construction methods are followed, but with multi-ply plywood hull and deck planking; and, to simplify bending of thick-sectioned longitudinal structural members, ‘built-up’ plywood laminations find excellent application. All wooden components are set in and coated with epoxy resin, and hull and deck exterior surfaces are covered with one layer of fiberglass cloth.The drawings consist of: Sh’t 1 – Lines Plan and tables of offsets (imperial & metric); Sh’t 2 – Framing Plan & Profile, plus details of rudder, tiller, stem post, and transom framing; Sh’t 3 – Framing Sections & hardware details; Sh’t 4 – Rigid Canopy & details; Sh’t 5 – Orthographic Illustrations of the finished boat. If you order paper copies of the plans you will receive two sets of the 5 drawings =10ea 22” x 34” prints.Study plans are available (sheets 2, 3, and 5) at our cost, $30.00.NOTE: This boat has not been built. If you do build her, and send me construction and finished-boat photos, I’ll be glad to refund your cost of the plans.Robert Clayton, capwease@yahoo.com
Design Specifications
Robert Clayton
1726 Timber Creek Drive,
Tyler Texas 75703
512 552 2244