Waxwing's Tender

Plans and plywood bought in 2000, then life got in the way. Retirement in 2018 removed all excuses and slow progress began in 2019. The covid lockdown provided the dedicated time needed for completion. Hull is 6mm meranti ply, trim and thwarts are red and yellow cedar, spars are Sitka spruce chainsaw milled on a beach 40 years ago.Because the intention is to carry it on davits across a 6′ wide transom, I used the minimum station spacing specified on the drawings to keep the length as short as possible. It still seems to track well when rowed, and sails easily with the 35 sq ft balanced lug rig. As a tender it’s very burdensome; two adults barely sink the waterline. So far it’s been universally described as “cute.”

From the Community



Penobscot 14

Thia is an Arch Davis design, nicely built. An excellent boat under oars or sail.