My friend Will Craig rebuilt RETREAD using Okoume plywood. I bought her in 1988, sailed her for 18 years, then sold her in 2005 to pay for a bicycle tour. Last year, I bought her back and restored her over the winter. She received 18 coats of varnish, new paint, new line, new rigging, and lots of love. I sailed RETREAD in the 75th anniversary edition of the 110 Nationals in Marblehead, MA with crew Linda Epstein, and we won the regatta with a 1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1. RETREAD could not be happier and I could not be more proud.

From the Community



Welsford Navigator

15', gunter rigged yawl, hinged mast, built 2019, epoxy plywood construction. $10,500.