Pintail is a 25′ Chesapeake Bay draketail built by participants in the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s Apprentice for a Day Program in St. Michaels, Md.
Draketail boats were built along the Chesapeake Bay in the early 1900s for oyster tonging and trotliing for crabs, with gasoline engines and a special stern that looked like a motor racer.
She is built of white oak for the structural members, Atlantic white cedar for planking, Mahogany seats, gunwales and coaming. The floor boards are sassafras with a glassed okoume engine box. The aft bulkhead, floor boards and seats are removable for ease of access. There is a forward hinged compartment for storage.
She is equipped with an 8 gallon fuel tank, a 14hp 2-cylinder Yanmar diesel, and is fitted with traditional stick steering and has bronze hardware through out. She has white top sides and decking with bright trim.
See more photos from her two-year build at https://www.flickr.com/photos/cbmmphotos/albums/72157661460403653
She is currently available for purchase, with 100% proceeds benefiting the children and adults served by the non-profit CBMM’s education, restoration, and exhibition programming. For more, email jkuhn@cbmm.org