At the age of 12, Kevin McDonnell decided he wanted to build a boat. He sought advice from a family friend, Steven Schoeck, who had already built several boats. Steven agreed to help, provided Kevin did the work. They ordered Dynamite Payson’s book, Instant Boatbuilding with Dynamite Payson, in the summer of 2013. Kevin chose an 11′6″ Cartopper design. Steven helped him get the right materials and then Kevin started spending every spare minute building his boat. Construction time for the fiberglass-covered-plywood hull was about six months. On May 24, 2014, Kevin launched NEVER GETS OLD on the Kennebunk River. He reports, “She glides great while rowing and comfortably holds three people. I learned a number of skills like fiberglassing, using different types of power tools, and extensive amounts of measure. I’m so grateful for my mentor and friend Steven Schoeck.”