Peter Oliver used a wide variety of wood in the construction his his Beach Pea, LITTLE WHIO. While the strakes are standard marine plywood, he used tanekaha to make the birdsmouth style mast, spoon oars, and sprit; kauri for the thwart risers; kwila for the gunwales, and pohutukawa for the stems. Peter used both pohutukawa and puriri for the breasthooks and knees, and mangeao for the keel, thwarts, and floorboards. He write that LITTLE WHIO looks great, rows beautifully, and sails pretty well, particularly once he added a rudder.

From the Community


Boat Launchings

Boat Launchings

CLC Kaholo 12-6

A fun and easy winter season build of the Chesapeake Light Craft Paddleboard from plans and a fra

Register of Wooden Boats

Register of Wooden Boats


Built in Berrys Bay Sydney Australia by WM Boatbuilders in 1925 Now moored in Prince of Wales Bay