Sailboats - Daysailers


Named for feisty duck in Hagar the Horrible, this small boat is a Milgate Duck Punt. Built of plywood in the "stitch and glue" method, she was built from the free plans found online and launched at the Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival in St. Michaels MD on October 6.

Painted in a rather vibrant "malarkey green" carrying tanbark sails with the distinctive duck shaped "DP" logo, she is a rather posh version of the punt with fore and aft decks and mahogany hardwoods used inside and out. I have tried to keep her true to her humble beginnings as a hunter's boat, but adding some comfort and safety.

Still a learning experience, but never has a boat taught me more about sailing than this rudder-less and keel-less example. The Duck Punt was described as being sailed "like a bicycle" and she is. One must sail her on her ear to get any leeway and steering is both by oar and shifting body weight forwards or aft to bring her into the wind or to bear off. 

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Tahiti Ketch made in 1978 by SIRVENT FRERS, Iroko wood. Last renovation inside and outside 2024.