This is a relaunching of my rowing skiff. Brass plate on transom states:John D. LittleBuilderOld Lyme, Ct.After researching, I believe him to be the same John D Little who moved from Connecticut to Maine and became somewhat famous for building catboats. If you publish the pictures, would you please indicate that I am interested in learning more about John D Little, particularly about his days in Connecticut, and would appreciate e-mails from readers at Brucelighty@aol.com.That’s my poodle Sadie who loves to ride in my boat. She can doggie paddle but thus far is a slow learner at rowing.My father built my first boat for me when I was 10 years old, 59 years ago. It was an 8 foot pram. Since it was from a kit, I named it KIT. KIT II is named in honor of that first boat and my Dad who built it for me.