In June of 2020 Martin Herbert and David Seager launched KIKI and SLICK, two International One-Metre radio controlled sailboats. These slender yachts, 162mm wide, were designed and built by Martin. The hulls are planked with yellow and red cedar while the topsides and decks are built with in house manufactured Mahogany and Beech plywood. The lead bulbs, carbon fibre fins, sails, hollow wooden booms, and fittings are custom made. Martin built SLICK, with sail number Can 21, for David, while KIKI will be Martin’s new race boat. Both are set to race in the Coastal Cup, an eight-regatta series on the West Coast of British Columbia. International One-Metres are raced world wide and the well written class rules allow the home builder to design and construct competitive boats.
Amy Melious very kindly took these photographs.