DRIFTWOOD (ex-WOODPUSSY) is a classic example of a mid-century lapstrake Jersey Sea Skiff, a general style of powerboat that was popular in the middle 1900s all along the East Coast.DRIFTWOOD is planked with ¾″ Jersey white cedar on steam-bent oak ribs on 6″ centers and fastened with copper rivets. Her decks are all laid teak.DRIFTWOOD was regularly used and maintained up to the year 2000, at which time she was put into routine winter storage and then walked away from. She was stored outdoors, well covered, up to about 2010 when the cover finally gave out. After three years of unprotected weathering the yard she was stored at brought her into their shop and gave her a cosmetic going over with hopes of finding a new owner. Three weeks after moving her back outside hurricane Sandy hit, which completely changed boating and the demand for boats on the Jersey shore. Having just missed damage by Sandy she sat uncovered for two more years. In July of 2014 we had her trucked to our home in Connecticut where she is getting a complete going over and rebuild.May 2017, after a three-year rebuild she is almost ready for the water. The rebuild has included removing, rebuilding, and reinstalling the stem; new keelbolts; removing, reframing, and re-installing her teak foredeck; replacing the main bulkhead between the wheelhouse and the trunk cabin; rebuilding and replacing both windshields; removing and reinstalling her interior; removing the cockpit sole for all new framing and rib repairs, and re-laying the original teak sole.

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