The Adventure Series: Piloting off Sandy Hook

Mystic Seaport’s Adventure Series program for November is “Piloting off Sandy Hook” by Captain F. Eugene Reil at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Have you ever wondered who has the courage to step off a motorboat and jump onto a rope ladder to clamber up the side of a much larger vessel, like a freighter, tanker, or the QUEEN MARY? Hear Gene Reil talk about his 36 years of piloting more than 5,400 ships in and out of New York Harbor. Listen as he describes taking command of small coastal freighters to the biggest container ships in the world of more than 1,000 feet, sometimes with many people, high value, or even hazardous cargo in a densely populated area. The job: To maneuver the vessel through traffic, sharp turns, strong tidal currents, reefs, shoals and narrow channels and reach a safe destination. Besides piloting responsibilities, Gene sailed his own 35′ wooden yawl for 22 years, cruising Nova Scotia to Maryland, and raced in the Trans-Atlantic and Bermuda Races. He is a member of The Corinthians, New York Yacht Club, and Cruising Club of America.

The River Room at Latitude 41° Restaurant,
105 Greenmanville Ave.,
Mystic, Connecticut

Tickets required: order by calling 860-572-5322 or online.

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