Oar / Paddle

Dispro 16

We included in our catalog this boat for a request of one of our customers who identified in this model the traditional American boat, whose designs were published in WoodenBoat magazine, with the strange name “Dispro”, which meant the “Disappearing propeller boat”. It’s an open motor boat 16' lenght inspired from the elegant traditional lines of the classic clinker construction with an inboard engine and the transmission line that can rotate and disappear inside the hull. It's the ideal boat for excursions on a quiet lake at moderate speed. Of this boat we kept the basic philosophy, hull lines (hardly improvable, since it's a traditional boat) and we changed the building method (a modern clinker, with a semplified internal structure), the interior layout and the motorization system. It’s inboard and disapparing as the original, but it’s and electric propulsion with a different lift system that seems more simple to manufacture and uses with components readily available on the market. More information at: www.bcademco.it

From the Community

Boat Launchings

Boat Launchings


The boat was designed and built in the spring and summer of 2024.
