Wood Duck 12 Kayak

Joseph Krajewski got a wonderful birthday present from his wife, a WoodenBoat School class held at Chesapeake Light Craft (www.clcboats.com) in Annapolis, Maryland. He and his son, Jason, spent five days building a 12′ plywood-and-epoxy Wood Duck kayak. They were able to get the hull built and a coat of fiberglass cloth on it before they took it home. Once home, they carefully sanded the hull all over, then gave it six coats of varnish.Joseph launched his kayak last spring. He paddles on the Toms River and Barnegat Bay near his New Jersey home. The kayak won first place in its class at the Toms River Seaport Society Wooden Boat Show. April Krajewski took these pictures.The WoodenBoat School offers many classes in building boats in Brooklin, Maine, all summer long; and a few classes are given during the off-season at Chesapeake Light Craft. Visit www.thewoodenboatschool.com for more information.

From the Community

Boat Launchings

Boat Launchings


The boat was designed and built in the spring and summer of 2024.
