“Sisuemchanceka” and “En Smuk Ting”
Two Skin On Frame Kayaks, “Sisuemchanceka” is a 19′6″ x 22″ beam Greenland kayak built from following Chris Cunnighams “How to build a Greenland Kayak” book. Took me a year to make and during the build I decided I could do a similar job without the stress and attrition of steaming and rejecting the ribs needed to for the hull profile.Without looking into other designs I came up with using a mixture of gunwales and bulkheaeds to form the hsape and profile of the hull and deck. Then came across Tom Yosts designs and saw that the idea was possible. So “En Smuk Ting” was created, designed and built by me with the help of my daughter Charlotte. “En Smuk Ting” is 17′ long x 22″ beam Greenland inspired kayak. The design is pretty much the best bits of every kayak I have made or been in and although it’s sized for someone much short than myself it does seem to paddle very well. Build time for “En Smuk Ting” as roughly 1/4 of the time taken to build “Sisuemchanceka” which took me 1 year to the day, from the cut of the first piece of wood to the launch.In the pictures “Sisuemchanceka” is the “yellower” one of the two and has deck cords, it’s also the one on the left. “En Smuk Ting” is on the right. In the last picture my daughter Charlotte is sitting in “En Smuk Ting,” which is Danish for “A Beautiful Thing.”