Scandal Skiff
The Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building launched this 14′7″-long Scandal skiff last summer. William Atkin designed the Scandal in 1924 to be a slender and fast boat suitable for use with a small outboard motor. Plans for the Scandal are available at www.atkinboatplans.com. On this website, the designer's description of the Scandal appears. “A boat of this kind offers a lot in the way of recreation; for the cruiser-camper it is ideal, being shallow and light, and thus easily drawn up on the beach or river bank anywhere. There is plenty of room for the stowage of dunnage which must be lugged along when camping.”The Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building is an accredited, non-profit, vocational school. Its mission is to teach and preserve the fine art of wooden boatbuilding and traditional maritime crafts. They build both commissioned and spec boats for sale while teaching students the boatbuilding skills they need to work in the marine trades. Find out more on our website at www.nwboatschool.org, e-mail us at info@nwboatschool.org, or call 360-385-4948.Pete Leenhouts, Director, The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding , 42 N Water Street Port Hadlock WA 98339 ; tel. 360-385-4948 ; www.nwboatschool.org or find us on Facebook.