A modified Chesapeake Light Craft Guider. I built this boat over the 2021-2022 winter in my garage/shop in Connecticut. I am sailing her out of Pulpit Harbor in Penobscott Bay, Maine.
I have built several boats prior to this including a 30-foot cold-molded sloop. This is the first boat I have built from a kit. The CLC kit was great.
I modified several things. I changed the rig to a Yawl and I set it up so the sails roller furl on the masts. It is super easy to reef. The mizzen keeps the boat head to wind and I just wind up however much of the main or mizzen I want.
I added a cabin to make it easier to do some dingy cruising. I added a cockpit coaming. I also modified the centerboard. Instead of a 1/4″ aluminum plate I used 1/2″ stainless steel and made the centerboard larger. The centerboard weighs 165 pounds. I have an additional 120 pounds of internal lead ballast. I also extended the rudder a few inches.
All of the spars are carbon fiber from Forte carbon spars in Ledyard Ct.