5×10 Skiffs
Community boat building in Polk County, North Carolina, is flourishing, according to Katherine Korth, who is involved with the project. 30 students had signed up by July to build a series of 5×10 skiffs. These skiffs are designed by Sam Devlin of Devlin Designing Boat Builders in Olympia, Washington who graciously provided the plans without charge. So far the group has launched four boats, and have more on the way. Don Rausch is leading the program, which has become a real community project. The Agricultural Center in Polk County donated the building space and several local businesses and individuals have contributed to the project. Help also came from a little farther afield: Hamilton Marine of Searsport, Maine, gave the group a discount on materials and John Brown of Spanish Fort, Alabama, supplied the planer scarfing attachment. For more information contact Don Rausch at 941–779–3962.