16 ft. McKenzie River Drift Boat
The Drift Boat was built from dimensions and plans in Roger Fletcher’s Book, Drift Boats and River Dories. Its design is by Woody Hindman in the 1930’s, a Double Ender with Transom.The hull’s sides are made from Cedar Strips as (normal construction is from Marine Plywood). The floor is two 1/4″ layers of White Ash with bead and cove. The sides and floor are encapsulated in f’glass and epoxy. The hull has no metal fasteners; wooden joinery and trunnels were used to add reinforcement where required.The frames, seats, oars, and other trim pieces are made from various hardwoods and epoxy coated. The construction began in May 2012 and was finished just prior to the initial launch in Michigan’s AuSable River on November 5 2014.The initial fishing trip resulted in 2 for 5 Steelhead, a successful launch!